Friday, October 22, 2010


This is our extended family's cabin. It's small has one bedroom, one living and kitchen combined, and one bathroom. It's simple, but absolutely wonderful! Life has no schedule on the mountain and your just able to slow way down and enjoy your surroundings and most importantly your family. We go there twice a year and have been blessed to be able to create many fond memories. There is great beauty and happiness in simple things, the trick is to be able to slow down long enough to see and enjoy them. A couple quotes from Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk this past conference that I love are, "At times of stress and fatigue....slow down." "There is more to life than increasing your speed." "We would do well to slowdown. Open our eyes and truly see what matters most." What an inspired man!

We are not alone!

This is my brave little Tank at the age of 2. Up at the cabin last week he fell and landed on the corner of a tool box slicing his eyebrow open. He was one tuff little kid through the whole ordeal. We had to drive down the mountain, a 20 min drive, to get to the hospital. At the hospital the Dr. didn't have anything to take the edge off of the shots to numb his cut. So after having an amazing blessing they wrapped him up like a little burrito in a blanket. Then went straight for the kill with the needle right into his cut. I know TAnk can be really tuff, but I was amazed....he didn't even flinch just layed there motionless. The spirit was definetley there you could feel it so strong, as well as the presence from those close to us that have passed on. It was an amazing experience. It got me thinking of how even a 2 year old little boy is not alone, that he doesn't as well as all of us have to face any kind of trial alone. Wether that be a physical pain, spiritual, or mental. He is always there as well as those that love us who have passed, and they are all just aching to help us! How amazing and true the Gospel is!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Charity, characteristic of a true Cheerleader!

The other day I was talking to my mom, she had had a ruff day. As I listened to her, I told her how much I loved her and reminded her of how amazing she really is. She thanked me............ for being her cheerleader! I said mom I will forever be your cheerleader!

This got me thinking of how we all need cheerleaders in our lives. And I wondered how many times I had been the critic in the back watching when I could have been the supportive cheerleader on the front row. So what kept me back in the crowd? There could be many reasons but two aspects that were definetly lacking was support and charity. A good cheerleader has support and charity for that person. Which makes perfect sense, Mother Teresa said it well, and I'm paraphrasing, ....If you judge people you have no time to love them. If we don't have charity for tha individual we most likely are judging them.

I pray that I will always seek out opportunities to exercise charity and be the loudest cheerleader on the sidelines! :)